SCHLICHTING, DEMARA v. RAHF SQUIRE PRESERVATION, LLC Et Al, HFH-CV23-5007690-S, 103.00 (Conn. Super. Ct. Nov. 9, 2023) (2024)

`| DocketNunbes WEY - CNBD-"OSohn LAO- Buoy-9 P 232.
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`needa reasonable.‘accom modation in accordance with the
`listed at wnnejedictgow/ADA.


`Good Morning
`. AUG. %, 304
`Mara Lee <>
`16 messages
`Claudio, Maria <>
`To: Demara Lee <>
`Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 6:24 AM
`| went into yourfile to start the transfer process and { only noticed you have one dependent|is this accurate? Are youa
`household of 2?
`If you do, | really need to talk to you aboutthis.| will be going to your unit for the annual inspection this morning
`and | will discusswith you.
`Thank you
`Maria Claudio .
`Squire Village
`Office: 860.646.1280 Ext 8
`Fax: 860.783.8576
`This message contains information which may be confidential and privileged. Unless you are the intended addressee (or atithorized to receive for
`the intended addressee), you may not use, copy or disclose to anyone the message or any information contained in the message.Ifyou have
`' received the messagein error, please advise the senderby replying to their email address and delete the message.
`To: "Claudio, Maria" <>
`Wed,Jul128, 2021 at 3:00 PM ~
`Demara Lee <>
`Hi Maria, do you know when they’Il be comingin to do my floors? And whatwill happen with me while they do them?
`[Quoted text hidden]
`Demara Schlichting
`Claudio, Maria <>
`To: Demara Lee <>
`Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:24 PM


`PQ o
`Hi Demara,
`I will give you a definite date next week. The wayit worksfirst they do areas that you will not need for about 2 to 3 hours
`_ exampleliving room.
`Theywill moveall your furniture into the kitchen and do the livingroom then they will do the kitchen floors. Then they do
`the stairs. Upstairs they
`Will moveall your furniture into one bedroom andorthe hallway of one bedroom then they do the-second bedroom. We
`can go throughthelogistics
`Once we havea install date. If necessary we can accommodate you into a hotel. For one when they do the bedrooms. |
`will give you a better update
`Next week.
`Wehave a contractorthat | am waiting for them to confirm if they will be coming tomorrow or Friday, Theywill measure
`your entire unit. [ will keep you
`Posted at whattime he will be coming and seeif you will be available.
`He should be answering metoday.
`Thank you
`From: Demara Lee <>
`Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2021 3:00 PM
`To: Claudio, Maria <>
`Subject: Re: Good Morning
`CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do notclick links or open attachments unless you
`recognize the sender and know the contentis safe.
`[Quoted text hidden]
`[Quoted text hidden]
` re
`Demara Lee <>
`To: "Claudio, Maria" <>
`Ok sounds good thankyou.
`[Quoted text hidden]
`Demara Schlichting
`Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:26 PM


`To: Demara Lee <>
`Thu, Jul29, 2021 at3:34 PM
`Flooring companywill be on site around 11:00 am tomorrow Friday. Will you be available?
`[Quoted text hidden]
`{Quoted text hidden]
`Demara Lee <>
`Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 5:51 PM
`To: "Claudio, Maria" .<>
`Hi Maria can you send me a copy of thepaper work| signed the other day?
`[Quoted text hidden]
`Demara Schlichting
`Demara Lee <>
`To: "Claudio, Maria" <>
`Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 12:19 PM
`Hi Maria I'm notsureif you've seen my email, but can you send mea copyof what| signed
`On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 3:26 PMDemara Lee <> wrote:
`[Quoted text hidden]
`Demara Schlichting ,
`Claudio, Maria <>
`To: Demara Lee <>
`Oh hi,
`_ Mon,Aug 2,2021 at 7:07 PM
`Sorry didn’t notice. Which document that you signed?
`[Quotedtext hidden]
`[Quoted text hidden]
`Demara Lee <>
`To: “Claudio, Maria" <>
`Hi, it was theone | signed last Wednesdayiin the office
`[Quoted text hidden]
`Demara Schlichting
`Claudio, Maria <>
`To: Demara Lee <>
`Good Morning Demara,
`Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 10:27 PM’
`Tue, Aug 3, 2021at 7:36 AM
`This internal form was not needed therefore, it was shredded.
`Also,| am waiting in the quote from the flooring véndor-to get it approved and start the installation. Wewill work together
`with the logistics as soonas is processed.


`Thank you
`Maria Claudio
`Squire Village
`Fax 860-783-8576
`From: Demara Lee <>
`Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 10:27:45 PM
`[Quoted text hidden]
`[Quoted text hidden] |
`Demara Lee <>
`To: "Claudio, Maria" <>
`Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 11:07 AM
`Ok that should’ve beenleft in myfile, | would like a copyof it please.
`[Quoted text hidden]
`Demara Schlichting
`Demara Lee <>
`To: "Claudio, Maria" <>
`Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 11:20 AM
`To be honest maria,| told you | don’t wantto live here at all anymore because of how you’ve been running things have
`been very unprofessional, when | said that you offered mea larger unit which is the only reason | DID agreeto stay in
`squire and you knewthat was a three bedroom apartment becauseyou evensaid it has an extra bedroom and then when
`] accept you shred the papers and changethelocks. | don’t know what kind of place you’re running but I’m about to
`expand my options. Living here has been hell.
`[Quoted text hidden]
`Demara Schlichting.
`_ Demara Lee <>
`To: "Claudio, Maria" <>
`Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 1:39 PM
`Maria | don’t think you understand we had an agreement and you breached the agreement. Youillegally evicted me from
`unit 22c because you self help evicted me without bringing it to court. What you are doingisillegal. This is exactly why’
`do emails instead of calls or face to face now. Now | have the proof you gave me that apartment and then just took it back
`from me.
`- [Quoted text hidden]
`Demara Schlichting
`Demara Lee <>
`To: "Claudio, Maria" <>
`_ Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 6:34 PM
`Hi Maria | just wanted to let you know somebodyis going around stealing packages because somebody came on myfront
`porch yesterday and stole a package
`On Tue, Aug 3, 2021 at 11:20 AM Demara Lee <maralee.09s@gmallcom> wrote:
`[Quoted text hidden]


`Mara Lee <>
` Gmail :
`2 messages
`Mara Lee <>
`To: "Jackson, Stephanie" <>
`Wed, May 31, 2023 at 8:35 PM
`Hi good afternoon, | was on myporch and noticed some roachesin unit 30 a which would make senseastheyleft the
`vent for the stove outside for weeks and hasn't been back for renovations since approx a month ago.| would like the
`exterminator to go treat unit 30a tomorrow aswell. If this is not resolved who ever movesin to that unit| will be letting
`them knowthere’s an infestation that is not being treated. --
`Demara Schlichting
`Stephanie Jackson <>
`To: Mara Lee <>
`Thu, Jun 1, 2023 at 8:11 AM
`Good morning Mrs. Demara,
`| appreciate your concern and report. Please contact the office and speak with the administrative assistant
`Geraldine who can address your concerns and addthatunit tothe list (evenif it does not pertain to your

`Thank you,
`From: Mara. Lee <>
`Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2023 8:35 PM
`To: Stephanie Jackson <>
`Subject: 30a
`_Hi good afternoon, | was on my porch and noticed some roachesin unit 30 a which would make senseastheyleft the
`vent for the stove outside for weeks and hasn’t been back for renovations since approx a month ago.| wouldlike the
`exterminator to go treat unit 30a tomorrow aswell. If this is not resolved who ever movesin to that unit | will beletting.
`them knowthere’s an infestation that is not being treated.
`Demara Schlichting
`This message contains information which may be confidential and privileged. Unless you are the intended addressee (or authorized to receive for
`the intended addressee), you may not use, copy or disclose to anyone the message or any information containedin the message. ifyou have
`received the messagein error, please advise the sender by replying to their email address and delete the message.


`EXH: 9 Pg.>
`Mara Lee <>
`30a toilet removal fee
`2 messages
`Mara Lee <>
`To: Stephanie Jackson <>
`Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 3:01 PM
`Hi Stephanie,
`{ will like to be reimbursed/ paid or have my rent adjusted due to the fact that | had to remove astove vent andtoilet from
`by my door when maintenanceleft it for days. Let me know what you can do.
`On Thu, Jun 1, 2023 at 3:04 PM Stephanie Jackson <> wrote:
`| Hi Mrs. Demara,
`You will need to present to the office to provide a physical copy of your documentsto the administrative
`Thank you,
`From: Mara Lee <maralee.73093>
`Sent: Thursday, June 1, 2023 1:16 PM
`To: Stephanie Jackson <>
`Subject: New parking pass
`_ Hi.Stephanie| tried stopping by before work but I think everyone is onlunch. Can | attach my insurance and registration
`to you in an email? --
`Demara Schlichting .
`This message contains information which may be confidential and privileged. Uniess you are the intended addressee (or authorized to receive
`for the intended addressee), you may not use, copy or disclose to anyone the message or any information containedin the message. If you have
`received the message in error, please advise the sender by replying to their email address and delete the message.
`Demara Schlichting
`Tue, Jun 13, 2023 at 3:02 PM
`— S
`tephanie Jackson <>
`To: Mara Lee <>
`Hi Mrs. Demara,
`Please contact the office 860-646-1280 and speak with management regarding yourrequest.
`Thank you,
`From: Mara Lee <>
`Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2023 3:01 PM
`To: Stephanie Jackson <>
`Subject: 30a toilet removal fee
`[Quoted text hidden]


`Mara Lee <>
`aleax_in.Ceiling SepAGS hh
`30B leak
`Ocr. a, IDS
`6 messages
`Mara Lee<>
`Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 9:45 PM
`To: Sheila Williams-Carr <>
`I'memailing youto notify you that there’s a bubblein myliving room ceiling. | don’t know whereit camefrom butit wasn’t
`there yesterday and | am just now noticing it. If any of my property gets destroyed, | am holding squire village liable for
`any and all damages. Please have someone comeoutto fix this as soon as possible.
`Demara Schlichting
`Sheila Williams-Carr <>
`To: Mara Lee <>
`Cc: Cesar Mendoza <>, Brenda Vega <> -
`Sun, Oct 1, 2023 at 5:21 PM
`To prevent delays, for all routine repairs and emergencies work orders, please call the
`answering service at 844 679-0483. Also please note the managementoffice is not
`responsible for anyone personal belonging. We encourage you to get renters insurance.
`[Quoted text hidden]
`This message contains information which may be confidential and privileged. Unless you are the intended addressee (or authorized to receive for
`the intended addressee), you may not use, copy or disclose fo anyone the message or any information contained in the message. if you have
`received the message in error, please advise the sender by replying to their email address and delete the message.
`-Mara Lee <>
`To: Sheila Williams-Carr <>
`Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 9:14AM |
`Good morning,
`| understand that but it wasn’t a peak caused by myself or my belongings. | am free Friday, the ceiling needs new sheet
`rock, Can you send someone to comefix it then?
`Also, it looks as though this has happenedbefore. Aside from this, the downstairs windowin the basem*ntthat’s been
`broken. | notified management over a year ago, when will this be fixed? | also haven’t had any hot water. Is that being
`worked on?


`Demara Schl


`POS[Quoted text hidden}
`Sheila Williams-Carr <>
`Jue, Oct 3, 2023 at 3:28 PM
`To: Mara Lee <>
`Ce: Cesar Mendoza <>, Brenda Vega <>
`I will create a workorder. Whatisthe location ofthe ceiling?
`Cesar please assign someone to dothe repair on Friday.
`[Quotedtext hidden]
`[Quoted text hidden]:
`Mara Lee <>
`To: Sheila Williams-Carr <>
`It’s a leak in the living room ceiling
`Demara Schlichting
`{Quoted text hidden]
`Mara Lee <>
`To: Sheila Williams-Carr <>
`Good morning, I’m free after 4 pm if you can send someone after that time.
`Demara Schlichting
`[Quoted text hidden]
`‘Wed, Oct 4, 2023at 5:59 PM
`Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 6:44 AM


`, _
`—— _Won_Feeg__
`30B tow fee
`' Mara Lee <>
`8 messages
`Mara Lee <>
`Thu, Nov 2, 2023 at 3:07 PM
`To: Sheila Williams-Carr <>
`Hi Ms. Carr,
`I'm reaching out regarding the $282.00 for. the tow. I’m requestingfull reimbursem*nt. Please give me a call back. Thank
`Demara Schlichting .
`Sheila Williams-Carr <Swilliams--carr@rosecommunity,com>
`To: Mara Lee <>
`Thu, Nov 2, 2023 at 8:05 PM
`| don’t understand. Did you have your parking sticker displayed?
`Get Outlook for iOS
`From: Mara Lee <>
`Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 3:07:48 PM
`To: Sheila Williams-Carr <>
`Subject: 30B tow fee
`Hi Ms. Carr,
`I'm reaching out regarding the $282.00 for the tow. I’m requesting full reimbursem*nt. Please give me a call back. Thank
`Demara Schlichting
`This message contains information which may be confidential and privileged. Unless you are the intended addressee {or authorized to receive for
`the intended addressee), you may not use, copy or disclose to anyone the message or any information containedin the message. Ifyou have
`received the messagein error, please advise the sender by replying to their email address and delete the message.
`MaiaLee <>
`To: Sheila Williams-Carr <>
`Yes| have a valid parking permit, And it also shows they towed my vehicle off the property at 6:45 am. Are towing hours
`not from 10 pm to 6 am? | need to be reimbursed there should be no reason whyI’m being charged $281 for a tow that
`mycar should've never even been towed. I’m not the only personthis is happenedto just in my apartmentbuilding alone.
`There’s been three pEople that this has happened to one person even havethe car towed at 9 PM.. they're getting away
`with charging peopleyan.iincome based housing forillegallytowing the car. Can you please give me a call back or email
`me backwith a resolution,©
`Demara Schlichting
`[Quotedtext hidden]
`Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 1:41 PM
`Sheila Williams-Carr <>
`To: Mara Lee <>
`Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 8:03 PM


`2. Oo.y
`Whatis the reason the towing company gave youfor towing your car? Reimbursing residents
`for towing is not something managementoffice does. If you feel the towing company
`illegally towed your vehicle you wouldhaveto dispute that with them.
`[Quotedtext hidden]
`{Quoted text hidden]
`Mara Lee <>
`To: Sheila Williams-Carr <>
`’ Wed, Nov 8, 2023 at 5:58 AM
`Thankyouforthe clarification but if squire has a contract with them then | believe squire is the one responsible, and
`squire should be the one going after the tow company. They towed mycarafter towing hours so wether they had a reason
`to tow mycaror not, they tookit after towing hours were over.
`{Quoted text hidden]
`Mara Lee <maralee./>
`To: Sheila Williams-Carr <>
`It’s instanceslike this one why | don’t think I'm going to re new mylease with squire. Management doesn’t take
`responsibility for anything.
`Wed, Nov8, 2023 at 6:00 AM
`Demara Schlichting
`[Quoted text hidden]
`Sheila Williams-Carr <>
`To: Mara Lee <>
`Wed, Nov 8, 2023 at 3:47 PM
`Whatreason did they give you for towing yourcar?
`[Quoted text hidden]
`[Quoted text hidden]
`Mara Lee <>
`To: Sheila Williams-Carr <>
`Thu, Nov 9, 2023 at 8:53 AM


`Mileage Start
`Demara Schlichting


`estern Union
`Englewood, Co 80155-6532
`= Oo
`PO Box 6532 GC YS t.
` Processing
`Invoice Number
`: Reference
`: Amount” |;
`Service Fee |
`08/03/2023 | 19-329294855
`—- a
`Toll Free #1-800-999-9660
`Dear Money Order Purchaser:
`A refundfor the Money Order we traced for you is enciosed.
`If the Money Crdaris found,
`A stop payrnent has beenplaced on youroriginal Money Order andit no longer has any value.
`it should be destroyed. Please do not attempt to cash*t.
`if you did not enclose the required processingfee,it has been deducted from youi refund check so that we could rush the
`processirig of your request.
`Pursu+.t to terms of Service Contract,if the Money Order has not been used or cashed within one (1) veerofthe purchase
`_ date, a service charge will be deducted. The Service Charge listedabove nad t-2in deducted from your refund check.
`‘Weslem Union Financial ServicesInc.
`. 89.00
`Vendor 1D: SCHLICHTINGD.. . Gneck No.: 81 - 0061405902
`Dosiument: MO REFUNDS-US


`, Read this bofore you compiota andsign thisform HUD-50059 A
`ve Laka
`Rublle Roporting Burdon.
`- Thaseposling burdenfor thiscollection of informationis dsttmaled to average 55minules per response, |
`Ineluding the timafor reviewing Instructions, searching existing‘dala sources, gathering and maintaining the data noeded, and complelingand
`teviewing the collection ofinformation. Send comments regardingthis burden estimate or ny other aspactofthis collection of information
`Including suggestions forreducingthis burdon,to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project(2502-0204), Washington,”
`+, DC20503.‘Theinformation is bengcollected by HUD:to'datemmine an Sppiican'’s oligibiity,the recommended unil 81z6, and the amountthetenant
`* (6).must paytoward rent andulilitiog. HUD usesthis informationto aasisl In manoging cortain HUD properties,to protect the Govemmant's
`financialinterast,arid to verify,the accuracy ofthe information fumished, HUDor p Public Housing Authority (PHA)may conduct a computer match
`-* sto varlty the Information you provida;This information may be relexsed in accordance with HUD's Computer Matching Agrooment (CMA) between”
`« the SocialSecurity Administration andthe Department of:Health and Human'Sorvices:‘You mustprovide aif of tho informationrequested,including
`tha Sela! Security Numbars(SSNs),unless exampled by 24 CFR5.216,you, and all other houschold Mampbors,have end use,Giving theSSNs- -
`ofali housahold tmembers,-Unlosséxemptod by 24 CFR 5.216,ig mandatory: nol providing the SSNswill affect youreligibility approval. Failure to
`‘provide any information
`result in a delay orrejection ofyoureligibilityapproval.

`ey Es
`|, Privacy Act Statoment:
`“The Départinentof Housingand UrbanDevelopment (HUD) Is authorized to collect this Information bythe U.S.
`“Housing Aci of 1937, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1437 et..seq.); the Housing and Urban-Rural RacovaryAct of 1983 (P.L.88-181); the
`Housingand Community,Development TechnicalAmendmonts of1984 (P.L. 98-479); and by the Housing end.Communily Cavelopment.
`987 (42:U.S.C, 3543):" 6° i er
`> a ” 7
`cortify that this Tenant's eligibility, rent’andassistance paymonts have been computed in accordance with HUD's
` Quiredverifications ware obtained. ©. Te ee i
`- By Signingthis form, you are indicating thet you have read the above Privacy Act Statementand ara da,
`action 3729, False Claims, provides a civit penalty of not tegs than $5,000 and:
`amountof damagesfor any person who kriowingly presents,or causesto be presented,a folsa or
`kes, OF causedto be used,a false record or statement; orconsplres to defraud the Govermentby
`ene ta orpald: =f . F iar



`. Rose Community Management, LLC - Squire Village
`OneSite Rents v3.0
`01/01/2023 through 07/14/2023
`Parameters: Show transactions beginning - 01/01/2023 Select Status - All: Ledger Type - Resident; SubJoumals - RESIDENT;
`LTScheditedBiting“O] LTanthedaerIfe.
`Market Rent:
`Lease Rent:
`Previous Balance:
`Other Charges:
`Lease Begin:
`Lease End:
`Current Balance:
`Page i of 1
`Deposits On Hand:
`Deposits Due:
`4,098.00 -
`NoticeGiven: ni A vor WN |
`Notice For:
`(M)(860) 934-8144

`GAsey a
`Transaction Code
`Document #
`_ _
`Balance Forwarded:
`AR changed RENT to

`reareecee neoemrAaesnegae
`nee weetnneeneaeEEREeA RRAcreceeedRnAD
`AR changed RENTto
`eee eneenneeneennn
`30-B °
`Check Scan - Demara
`STCTcteeetenatanennai ence
`"AR changed RENTto
`_————— 888
`* Recert Loss Write Off to
`Administrative Monthsof

`a eneweOW22,2122andree
`LateCharges. ~~~=&RESIDENT ee p00OOO™~S
`CheckScan-Demara+~«ORESIDENT~—_-329295876 ee gad.00~~S~S*S*~*~*~«A=
`Check Scan - Demara
`nnSECS ne eeeneneenene

`~~ ~—~«d&RESIDENT
` -062023
`~ 960.00~~ ~-233,00
`ee onTUeneneteem
`Check Scan - Demara
`ae cee
`ve ee
`06/01/2023 - 962023
`06/11/2023062023.«=«30-B.~=~S*C*«@ LA
`“300. ~~ 498,00°
` CheckScan-Demara.-~*RESIDENT| +—-083351—
`270.00 "229.00
`07/01/2023=972023 30-B CA-RENT Rent 385.00
`~ CheckScan- Demara

`07/05/2023 072023
`ennNRNI ee e erternnnnnee tt tn neanntncnarenarnnenoctetan
`Check Scan - Demara
`anehh —_—
`07/07/2023=.972023 30-B PZ - PMTOPIRD Check Scan - Demara
`eaennnene eehihi
`*- 30-B
`Late Charges
`Pent US $103 for ApAL, Wey CC
`NGS HS Aen 2d HY MHL oF enIncrease
`Signed lense agreement’ SicveS


`tire Village Apartments —
`48 Spencer Street, Manchester CT 06040:
`Visitors: Only those persons listed on the HUD 50059 and Tenant Income Certification and no other
`persons will be allowed to permanently occupy your unit except occasional guests, Managenient must be |
`notified ofovernight uests. Anypersons who intendto stay for 14 consecutive days or more will be
`required to complete the application process for residency. You can only have maximum seven (7) day
`visits to your unit two (2)times yearly.
`Rental Payments: All rent and outstanding balances on your account are due on the first each month’and
`are to be paid in accordance with the termsofyour lease. Monthly rental payments must be made by
`‘personal check, cashier’s check, money order, certified check or unline via the Squire Village portal, Cash
`will not be accepted. Ifrentis not paid by the 10* ofeach month, Management will proceed with the
`eviction process and all legal fees will be applied to the Resident's account.
`+Returned Checks: Any resident who has one (1) returned check will be required to make all fume.
`“+ paymentsbymoneyorder or cashier’s check. The passing ofa’bad checkiis urdawhil; prosecution will
`commence if necessary.
`Renter’s Insurance: Residents are strongly encouraged to obtain renter’s insurance. The insurancecarried
`by the property does not cover the personal property ofthe Resident.
`Guests: All residents arc responsible for the actions ofany membersofthe Resident's household, guest or
`‘other person under the Resident's control, No one may occupy the apartmentunless they are on the _
`Resident’s Lease Agreement. Residents must notify Managementin writing of any (1 day or more) visitors.
`Residents will be restricted to long-term visits of no more than 7 conyecutive days per visitor, not to exceed
`two (2) times per year. Allowing unauthorized individuals toreside in an apartment beyondthe limited 7
`consecutive day period is grounds for eviction.
`1. Misconductor violation ofmiles by any member ofthe Resident’s household, any guest or any other
`person under the Resident’s control. This includes negative behaviors and/or conductofall children.
`any other person under the Resident’s control.


`Anyloss or damage to the property by fire and/or negligence on the part ofthe Resident, any member.
`ofthe resident’s household, any guest or any otherperson under the Resident’s control.
`1. [a Resident's guest conducts inappropriate behavior on thewayto or aflerhaving left the Resident’s
`apartment, the Resident will be notified ofsuch behavior pvest.
`Ifthat sume guest visits again and conducts inappropriate behavior on the wayto or after having left
`the Resident’s apartment, the Resident will again be notified ofsuch behavior ofguest and requested
`not to allow that person to access the building again.
`3. Lfthat same guestvisits again and conducts inappropriate behavior on the wayto of after havingleft
`the Resident’s apartment, theresident willbe served with an eviction notice. Ifdamages or charges are
`incurred as a result ofthe inappropriate behavior ofthat guest, the cost will be chargedto the-
`Resident’s account.
`Noloitering is allowed in the common areas, The resident agrees notto allow any member ofthe resident's
`household, any guest or any otherpersons under the resident’s control to:
` Loitering or play in the laundryroom, hallways, stairwells or other commonarea include thecommunity
`‘centerit’s surrounding grounds and playgrounds,
`Play with the outside trash.
`Your guest should notsit on the stairways, walkways of common areas.
`The Resident shall not permit any musical instrument, radio, television, stereo or other like device to be
`used above a normal tone. A normal tone means the device cannotbe heard in the halhvay and doesnot
`interfere with a neighbor's quiet enjoyment, Excessive interference with the rights ofothers will not be
`tolerated. Annoyance byunréasonablenoises, such a3 loud music, including car music, car homs and
`voices [especially between the hours of10:00 PM and 8:00 AM] will not be tolerated. There is not to be
`any yelling from the outsideup towardsthe building in an effort to gain a Resident’s attention. It is your
`responsibilityto inform guests thatthis is unacceptable behavior. Repeated violations fexceeding two (2)
`incidents per six-month] may lead to Managementaction up to and including termination oftenancy.
`Considerationis in effect during all hours. [Note; A normal tone means noise that cannot be heard within a
`teasonable distance of the Resident’s unit).


`Your apartment has been newly painted and prepared for occupancy. You are not permitted to redecorate
`without the prior written approval ofmanagement. Any unauthorized redecoration of alterations of the unt,
`which includes painting, wall paper, carpet and storm doors, will be charged to the resident. Redecoration
`includes bul is not limited to painting, wallpapering, or contact paper, carpet, storm doors, changes in
`lighting ar plumbing fixtures. Provisions for handicapped access and accommodations will be addressed on
`a case by case basis, and in accordance with appropriate HUD and local requirements.
`Noarticle shall be hung from windows, doors, landings, patios or porches. No dirt or substances shall be _
`shaken-or thrown from the windows, doors, landings, or balconies.
`In accordance with your lease you are required fo give a thirty (30) day written notice whenmoving. You
`ure responsible for all rental monies due fromthe date ofyour notice until the day that the keys toyour
`in. apartment are.tetumed ta the Management Office. Prior to moving out, you are expected to clean your
`‘apartment including all appliances, bathrooms, windows, etc. All ofyour personal belongings must be
`removed and disposed ofproperly. You will be charged the prevailing rate ifthe apartmentis not"
`satisfactorily cleaned. Atthe time ofmove out, Managementwill conduct a walk-through ofyour
`apartment with you and a move-out inspection report will be completed. Upun completion ofall
`requirements wi

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SCHLICHTING, DEMARA v. RAHF SQUIRE PRESERVATION, LLC Et Al, HFH-CV23-5007690-S, 103.00 (Conn. Super. Ct. Nov. 9, 2023) (2024)
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Author: Nathanael Baumbach

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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.