The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

of BUFFALO EVENING NEWS- Saturday, September 11, 1943 Society 5 Fiancee of Ensign in Navy oy he he gt. ho Photo by Juanita Ball a- MISS PATRICIA McDONALD Mrs. J. G. McDonald Reveals Betrothal Of Granddaughter Mrs.

Morrow and Son Compliment Engaged Couple at co*cktail Party in Their Home Mrs. James Grattan McDonald announces the engagement of her granddaughter, Miss Patricia McDonald, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Harold James McDonald, to Ensign Ben King Duffy USNR, son of Mrs. Duffy of Denver.

Ensign Duffy is stationed in Philadelphia. The bride-elect attended St. Mary's Seminary and is a graduate of Holy Child Academy and Rosemont College. Her fiance is a graduate of the University of Colorado and attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mrs.

Robert P. Morrow and her son, Ensign Robert P. Morrow are entertaining at co*cktails this afternoon in their Linwood Avenue home to honor Miss McDonald and Ensign Duffy. Their guests include Mr. and Mrs.

Henry M. Feist, Mrs. James W. Walsh, Miss Maureen McDonald, Miss Mary Walsh, Mrs. William T.

Waugh, Mrs. James H. Burke. Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas C. Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Burke, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles J. Deckop Corp. and Mrs. Benjamin C.

Johnson, the Messrs. Andrew P. Ronan, Raymond J. McDonald. Robert Walsh, Edward Walsh, Henry W.

Killeen Charles G. Duffy Charles N. Oliver, Robert P. Nenno, John Swanson, William Koehler, Raymond M. Gibbons Jr.

Pvt. and Mrs. Kevin M. O'Gorman, Mrs. Berrisford H.

Walker, Mrs. William H. Shirley, Miss Veronica M. Sweeney, Miss Ann Maguire, Miss Mary T. Galvin, Miss Kathleen Madden, the Misses Jane Patricia M.

and Virginia A. Brady, Miss Jane Ann Culliton, Miss Marion F. Cornelius, Mr. Henry C. Feist, Mr.

Edmund T. Feist, Miss June L. Johnson and Mrs. Eugene E. Lenahan.

Luncheon on Monday Mrs. James How has invited guests to her home in St. Catherine's Court on Monday for luncheon. Dinner for Betrothed Couple Mr. and Mrs.

Robert W. H. Campbell of Delaware Avenue will entertain at dinner Friday in the Park Lane in honor of their daughter, Miss June Anne Campbell, and her fiance, Lieut. Alfred Edwin Stacey III. USNR.

and members of the immediate families. Honors Holderness Student Mrs. Harry W. Patterson was hostess at luncheon today in her home in Middlesex Road for Mr. Douglas Harvey of Darien, who is the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Cant Brown. Mr. Harvey will leave tomorrow for Holderness School in New Hampshire. Guests of Mrs.

Porter When Mrs. Peter A. Porter entertained at luncheon in the Garret Club on 1 Friday to honor her niece, Mrs. Joseph W. Stayman Jr.

of Germantown, who is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Preston B. Porter of Middlesex Road, guests included Mrs. Preston B.

Porter, Mrs. Walter P. Cooke. Mrs. Frederick A.

Gilbert. Mrs. Max Becker, Mrs. Charles H. Dearborn, Miss Jean R.

Smith and Mrs. R. Randolph Swift. Shower for Miss Sheedy Mrs. Michael M.

Sheedy Jr. will be hostess at a personal shower Wednesday evening in her home in Woodbridge Avenue to compliment her future sister-in-law, Miss Mary Louise Sheedy. Among the guests will be several and daughters, Mrs. Mimothers, Sheedy and Imelda Mrs. Andrew J.

Cunningham, Johanne Mrs. John J. Horan. Mary Mrs. Valentine A.

Decot, Claire Marie: Mrs. William C. O'Niel, Mrs. Kevin M. O'Gorman: Mrs.

Geoffrey Sargent. Doran: Herbert Gareis. Mary Mrs. John J. Litner, Mary Mrs.

Albert F. Rieland, M. Joyce; DON'T FORGET! 430 to 1" Makes One Gallon of CHLORINE Washing Solution in your own bottle 30 to FOR ONLY No bottle deposit! East to carry! MILLER DRUGS 127 Grant St. 1284 Jefferson Ave. 1416 Hertel Ave.

251 Forest Ave. Mrs. Hayden Opens Home For Club Tea Mothers' Past Presidents Will Preside at Urns Mrs. Joseph H. Hayden will open her home, 181 Depew for the annual calendar tea for the Mothers' Club of Buffalo from 3 until 5 o'clock Monday, Sept.

27. Mrs. Charles L. Mache, the club president. announced today.

Past presidents of the club will preside at the urns including Mrs. Charles A. Miller, Mrs. Robert B. Bielby, Mrs.

A. Maxwell Jones. Mrs. Viktor B. Dold.

Mrs. Willard H. Nash and Mrs. Charles E. Siegesmund.

The chairman of the tea, Mrs. LeRoy M. Weimert, has as co-chairmen Mrs. Robert H. Roberts and Mrs.

Harold B. Cohen. On the committee are Mrs. Charles W. Comstock.

Mrs. Walter B. Caylor, Mrs. Herbert Dunn. Mrs.

Thomas B. Clay, Mrs. Henry B. Harrington, Mrs. Joseph Heber, Mrs.

William B. Kamprath, Mrs. Thurber LeWin. Also, Mrs. Miller, Mrs.

Edward W. Hotte. Mrs. Peter Hagner, Mrs. J.

Francis Harter, Mrs. James T. Gunning. Mrs. Arthur E.

Ricketts. Mrs. Nash, Mrs. Bertram Cosel, Mrs. Charles B.

Handel. Mrs. Edgar J. Doolittle. Mrs.

Elmer E. Gifford. Mrs. Carolus S. Woodwell, Mrs.

Louis E. Wesselmann and Mrs. Hugo C. Johnson. Capt.

Starr and Wife Living in West Point Capt. Robert Starr, assistant master of swords, and Mrs. Starr, the former Helen Bullard Spaulding of this city, with Mrs. Starr's son. Samuel S.

Spaulding are at home in West Point. Mrs. Starr is the daughter of Col. and Mrs. William Arthur Roseborough of New York and Washington.

Travelogue Mrs. Walter H. Flanagan of Williamsburg, is visiting her father, Mr. E. Chester Cochrane.

Mr. and Mrs. John N. Garver and family have returned from their country home in the Boston Hills. Mrs.

John A. Elwood with Miss Clara Miles of Erie, has returned from Hi-lo Island. Muskoka, where they were the guests of Miss Lucilla H. Dunbar. Mrs.

Eugene C. Murphy, Miss Virginia F. Murphy and the Misses Anna B. and Abby Hickey have returned to 800 West Ferry st. after summering in Bay Beach.

Ont. Miss Mary Wells Waters is spending a fortnight in New York. Miss Norton Farrar leaves Tuesday to enter Milton Academy. Mr. and Mrs.

Lansford L. Leigh and family will return Oct. 1 from Thunder Bay, Ont. Mrs. Alfred V.

Frew has returned after spending a short time in Rocky River, where she visited her daughter, Mrs. E. Leslie Wathen, and Mr. Wathen. Mrs.

Thomas H. Chittenden Jr. has returned from Washington where she went with her husband. Lieut. Chittenden.

He has gone to Ft. Jackson, S. where he is stationed. Mrs. Chittenden is the Miss Eloise Hood, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Edwin F. Hood of Bidwell Parkway. The Rev. and Mrs.

George Dudley Barr Inwood Place have had as their guests Mrs. Barr's mother, Mrs. William M. Thompson of Cassadaga: also their son's Mrs. William Thompson Barr wife.

Syracuse, who is making her home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Preston, while Ensign Barr is absent on sea duty. Accelerated Courses Accelerated Courses Will Hasten College Graduation 10 ill at Many college girls such as Miss mers, left, and her guest, Miss of Conneaut, are completing Circle Elects Mrs. C.

M. Brown Vice President Mrs. Adam E. Cornelius Entertains Lake Shore Group at Luncheon Mrs. Clayton M.

Brown was elected vice president and Mrs. Ray H. Johnson corresponding secretary of the Lake Shore Circle at the annual election of officers conducted on at a meeting after luncheon home of Mrs. Friday, Adam E. Cornelius in Lake Shore Road, Wanakah.

Mrs. Raymond T. Fiske, president, and Mrs. Gilbert E. Heron, recording secretary, will continue in office for the ensuing year.

Co-hostesses with Mrs. Cornelius were Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Alexander G.

Hoefler, Miss Elsa Hoefler, Mrs. Robert K. Glass, Mrs. Paul J. Rich, Mrs.

Horace B. Pomeroy and Mrs. Martin L. Kratz. 'The afternoon's program was devoted to music, several organ selections being featured.

Trinity Alumnae Will Convene For Business Plans for a business meeting In the home of Mrs. Charles A. Smith in Hallam Road in October were discussed today when the Buffalo Chapter of the Trinity College Alumnae Association met at luncheon in the Park Lane, Mrs. John B. Hughes presiding.

The luncheon honored Miss M. Carol Donovan, a student in the Washington school, and Miss Jane Flanagan who is entering and who wore a herringbone suit in tones of green, brown and blue and a tailored felt hat in raspberry color. Mrs. Hughes was attired, in a navy blue print dress with a black hat and coat and black accessories. Mrs.

Chauncey C. Kennedy, chairman of the luncheon, which was attended by 23 persons, chose a gray knitted suit with a blue hat and accessories. Gardenias in Swimming Pool Happy Memory of Mexico Journey to Pyramids Colorful Feature Of Miss Aranibar's Trip Swimming in a pool, fragrant with floating gardenias, climbing the famous Pyramids of the Sun and Moon, hearing Donald Duck spiel off his tirade in Spanish and winning the swimming contest at the University of Mexico these are just a few of the highlights of Miss Lillian H. Aranibar's first trip to Mexico, made this Summer. It all seemed like a different world to this young instructor in Spanish in Amherst Central High School.

"I left here by airplane at 3 o'clock on a Friday and arrived in Mexico City at noon the next said Miss Aranibar, breeding discontent in the heart of her interviewer before she scarcely had started her summer school saga. Fiesta Every Thursday "Classes were conducted in the oldest building of the University of Mexico." continued the traveler, "and there each Thursday students were entertained by the faculty at a fiesta. Professional dancers from the various states and in native costume shared the programs with singers and afterward we were guests at a tea dance." In describing the sunny temperament of the Mexicans, Miss Aranibar explained that, although they work diligently to win the war. the conflict is not "the main topic of conversation as it is up here." have their war bond drives. their war news broadcasts and resignedly send their 18-yearolds off to the front, but they stul know how to enjoy life and have leisure: there is not the constant rush there which we have in the United States." said Miss Aranibar.

Views New Volcano "Two of the professors at the Marjorie A. Chal- courses before Martha Jane Merrill Beth are Smith special summer their courses in Miss Richter Will Be Bride Of Air Cadet Mr. George T. Cannon Will Be Best Man for Son in lowa This Evening Miss Allene Antoinette Richter, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.

Allen Edwin Richter of East Delavan Avenue, will become the bride of Air Cadet Robert E. Cannon. son Mr. and Mrs. George Cannon of Carmel Road, at 8 o'clock this evening in Cedar Rapids, la.

Miss Richter has selected for the ceremony a turquoise blue wool jersey dress, the bodice studded in rhinestones, a matching hat and and a gardenia corsage bouquet. She will be attended by Miss Betty M. Cannon, sister of the bridegroom-elect. Her yellow wool jersey dress will be trimmed on the shoulders with gold studs and she will wear a matching hat and veil. Mr.

Cannon's father will be best man as his brothers are unable to be present. Pfe. Harry H. Cannon is stationed in Washington and Pvt. George T.

Cannon overseas. Dr. and Mrs. Richter and Mrs. Cannon will attend the wedding.

The bridal couple will live in Cedar Rapids while Cadet Cannon is stationed in Coe College. McKernan-Cook The marriage of Miss Ethel Cecelia Cook. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Joseph Cook of Poultney Avenue, to Mr.

Francis James MeKernan, son of Mrs. Anna M. McKernan of Leonard Avenue, took place at 10 o'clock this morning in St. James Church. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a candlelight satin gown, fashioned with long sleeves, a sweetheart neckline and beaded bodice.

Her finger-tip veil of illusion fell from a Juliet cap of pearls. She carried white roses, pompons and gladioli. Mrs. Henry W. Kramer, matron of honor, was attired in orchid taffeta with sweetheart neckline, fitted bodice and full skirt.

She wore a hat with heart-shaped brim of shirred tulle and carried pink roses and gladioli. Miss Marianne Cook. sister of the bride, was junior bridesmaid. She wore a pink taffeta frock, fashioned like that worn by Mrs. Kramer, and a similar hat of pink tulle.

She also carried roses and gladioli. Mr. Bernard J. McKernan was his brother's best man and ushers were Mr. Gerald A.

McKernan and "The Charles bride's A. mother McKernan. was attired in black crepe with turquoise blue beaded shoulder yoke and a black hat with turquoise ostrich trimming. Her corsage bouquet was of gardenias. The bridegroom's mother wore blue crepe with monizing hat and her bouquet was of pink roses.

A breakfast in the Park Lane was served after the ceremony. In the afternoon a reception was held in 780 Lafayette ave. After Oct. 1 the couple will live in 17 Leonard ave. Fierle-Weslow The marriage of Miss Doris A.

Weslow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Weslow, to Mr. Eugene G.

Fierle, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Fierle of Lake View, was solemnized at 10 o'clock this morning in St. Bartholomew's Church. the Rev.

Thomas J. O'Hern officiating. The bride was gowned in ivory satin and lace and she carried a bouquet of bride's roses and baby's breath. Miss Marjorie E. Weslow, maid of honor.

wore aquamarine marquisette and carried dark red roses and baby's breath. Similar gowns were worn by the bridesmaids. resuming regular winter schedules. College students and will finish the University of Buffalo on Sept. 18.

Miss Sarah J. Wilhelm, a member of the Buffalo Seminary, is taking economics in Cornell University. Garden Party Will Start Season for Baptist Women Delaware Avenue Church Society Announces Year's Meetings and Speakers Mrs. Sterling M. Hamlet, the first, vice president and program chairman of the Woman's Society of Delaware Avenue Baptist Church, will be chairman of the opening activity of the season, a garden party on Wednesday.

On the day's program will be Mrs. Willis M. Hott, whose topic is "Psalms of the Out-of-Doors." There will be missionary meetings the first Wednesday of each month, White Cross and American Red Cross sewing the second and fourth Wednesdays from 10 until 4 o'clock and group meetings the third Wednesday. "Christian Citizenship" is the topic for Oct. 6 with Mrs.

Edgar C. Neal as chairman and the guest speaker Mr. E. Waggoner, manager of the war housing center. National Housing Agency.

His topic will be To Conduct Pow Wow On Nov. 3 comes "An Indian Peace Pow-wow" with Mrs. Charles R. Martin, the chairman, giving a talk on "The Indian." Family Night is scheduled for Dec. 1 when, under the chairmanship of Mrs.

Wayland Gates, "Christmas Reminiscences" will be given by Mrs. Keith H. MacDonald and Mrs. Gomer Bevan. "Christian Centers" will be discussed by Miss Evangel Allen of Emmanuel Christian Center on Jan.

5 when Miss Cora A. Estabrook is chairman. Mrs. Lynn Edgecomb will have charge of the "Christian Friendliness" program Miss Joan Fierle. Evelyn G.

Their Weslow and Miss bouquets were of pink roses and baby's breath. Mr. Ralph Fierle was best man and the Messrs. Robert G. Weslow, Richard Fierle, Howard Schoetz and Robert Mayer ushered.

A reception was held in the home of the in Deerfield Avenue. will be at bride's, parents, home in Lake View. Dusel- Thomas Miss Barbara Yvonne Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean M.

Thomas, and Mr. Martin Herbert Dusel, USNR. stationed in Charleston. S. son of Mr.

and Mrs. Martin Dusel of Kenmore, were married at 9:30 o'clock Wednesday morning. Sept. 8, in St. Rose of Lima Church, the Rev.

George A. Crimmen officiating. The bride wore an old gown of faille made with a high neckline and long sleeves. Adorning the neckline was a string of crystals. A finger-tip veil fell from an arrangement of orange blossoms, and she carried a shower bouquet of white roses.

Party on Thursday Will Open Season The first weekly card party of the season will be given on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock by the Altar and Rosary Society of St. Margaret's Church in the parish hall. The hostesses will be the officers headed by Mrs. Bernard J. Reilly, president.

The Y. W. C. A. 19 WEST MOHAWK STREET Offers STENOGRAPHIC COURSE Beginning Monday, September 13 Also Review Courses in Shorthand and Typewriting (Rapid Dictation and Speed Beilding) For Information Call CL.

6120 STUDIO THEATRE SCHOOL 305 Lafayette Avenue, corner Hoyt offers courses in DRAMATICS PUBLIC PHONETICS RHYTHMICS SPEAKING- SPANISH Daytime and Evening Classes FALL SEMESTER BEGINS SEPT. 20 Registration Days Sept. 16, 17, 18 Phone GA. 5645 for Further Information of this year's graduating class the accelerated course in home Race Trophies To Be Awarded Sailors Sept. 26 Capt.

Edward M. Scheu Will Make Presentations At Canoe Club Dinner on Feb. 2 at which Mrs. James Gibson will have as her subject "From Many Lands." "Our Missionaries" is the topic of Miss Alma J. Noble's talk on March 1 for the White Cross meeting with Mrs.

Charles E. Williams as chairman. Miss Margaret Mills on "Christ in Art" on April 5 when the chairman is Mrs. Rudolph S. Wagner.

Group Leaders Named Mrs. Hamlet will have as her topic "Say It With Flowers" at the springtime breakfast on May 3 with Mrs. Karl B. Hoffman, president of society, as chairman. The closing meeting comes on June 14 when the speaker at the annual luncheon will be Mrs.

LeGrand F. Kirk who will talk on "Interesting People I Have Interviewed." Group leaders are Mrs. Warren B. Austin. Mrs.

N. H. Mimken and Mrs. Danielson. Committee chairmen include: White Cross, Mrs.

Charles Boughton sewing, Mrs. Edward P. Seeber; Christian citizenship, Mrs. Neal; Christian friendliness, Mrs. Thomas Hutton: student counselor, Mrs.

Elwyn Ashman. Missionary education, Mrs. Gates; sunshine. Mrs. Raymond P.

Moore; finance, Mrs. Wagner; gift boxes, Mrs. Thomas H. McElvein; reception, Mrs. Bert Putnam; missions magazine, Miss Grace Roberts.

The conference delegates are Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Henry E. Roos. Executive Council Convenes Tuesday The executive council of the Niagara Frontier Association of Medical Technologists will convene at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening in the home of Miss Clara M.

Hill, 757 Delaware ave. Plans for the year will be discussed and chairmen of committees appointed. Miss Wilma Riehle, president of the association and' first executive officer of the council, will preside: Members of the Buffalo Canoe Club will attend a sailors' dinner in the Canadian lake shore club. house on Sept. 26 when sailing trophies for various races conducted this season will be awarded by Fleet Capt.

Edward M. Scheu. Commodore Sheldon Thompson Jr. and Commodore Gilbert B. Blehdon receive the members Vice.

and guests at a men's dinner in the clubhouse. Mr. Mortimer L. Dietzer will present the baseball trophy to the commodore's team and Mr. Thompson and Mr.

Paul V. Bailey, winners of the tennis doubles, will receive the trophy from Mr. William Kerr. The evening's program will include a show and speeches by several members. Those attending will include Mr.

Earl Young, Mr. Burt F. Wertman, Mr. Montford J. Ryan, Mr.

Albert A. McMullen, Mr. J. Walter Koessler. Mr.

George S. Kellogg, Mr. John H. Teach, Mr. George P.

Manning, Mr. Burt G. Weber, Mr. James B. Wilson, Maj.

Russell Burt, who returned recently from Australia: Dr. Allison S. Roberts, Mr. Adam F. Eby and Mr.

Alfred J. Miller. Earl Swaim. M. Carol; Mrs.

Louis J. Schmitt, Betty Lou. Also present will be Mrs. Edward M. Tracy and Miss Dorothy Drieborg.

Entertainments In honor of Mrs. Walter S. Corrie of Waco, who is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Russell G.

Corrie. a tea will be given from 2 until 5 o'clock Monday in the home of Mrs. Charles R. Martin in Irving Terrace. Kenmore, the hostesses Mrs.

Snyder, Mrs. Edgar P. Eyres and Mrs. Gomer Bevan. Pouring will he Mrs.

Elmer H. Stumpf, Mrs. Sterling M. Hamlet. Mrs.

Ronald D. Foley, Mrs. Victor S. Conschafter and Mrs. James L.

Mrs. Charles L. Obersheimer entertained Friday evening in her home in Lexington Avenue at a bridge party and linen shower in honor of Mrs. George E. Wilkinson, a recent bride.

Church Women To Attend Tea In Council Home Invitations are going out to approximately 200 church women for a tea on Friday for councilors and associate councilors of the affiliated churches of the Council of Church Women of Buffalo and Erie County in the Delaware Avenue headquarters. Mrs. Edward A. Campbell, council president, has appointed Mrs. Harley E.

Patterson as chairman of the tea. The co-chairmen are Mrs. C. Donald Dibble and Miss Bertha S. Dodds.

The president will welcome the guests and discuss briefly the activ. of the organization. Pouring at the tea will be Mrs. Charles C. Root.

Mrs. Herbert W. Duschak, Mrs. John T. Devlin and Mrs.

Wilbur C. Fauth. Board of Auxiliary To Plan on Monday The board of directors of the Women's Auxiliary of the Buffalo Trap Field Club will meet for luncheon on Monday in the clubhouse. Mrs. Florence C.

Hoefner. president, will conduct a business meeting at which activities for the Fall will be discussed. Mrs. Sharpe Heads Pt. Abino Association Mrs.

M. Wheeler Sharpe was elected president of the Pt. Abino Association at a meeting of the directors Friday evening in her summer home in Pt. Abino. Ont.

Mr. Robert F. Mosedale was chosen vice president and Mr. Edward M. Scheu, secretary-treasurer.

TO PLAN FOR BAZAR Mrs. William I. Payne, president of the Women's Auxiliary of All Saints Church, announces that the first fall meeting will be conducted Tuesday with a box luncheon preceding the business session at which plans for the Christmas bazar will be discussed. Baker. Snapshots Keep You Close Together A print or two in a letter to that man in uniform brings him genuine thrill.

Write often. and enclose snapshots AN frequently AS you can. Bring your exposed films in today. Developing Printing Enlarging J. F.

ADAMS, INC. 459 Washington, near Mohawk university were graduates of San Marquis University, Peru. and when they learned that my parents are Peruvians they were particularly helpful to me." Miss Aranibar added. Between studies Miss Aranibar managed to wedge several interesting excursions to points of interest and beauty. "I saw the new volcano, Pracutin, 'born' in February.

Already its discovery by a farmer tilling in his fields is legend. As he turned a huge boulder. smoke and lava poured forth from the crevice he. neath and he ran to warn the villagers. Jewelry for Gifts "The best time to watch it is at night when the glowing jets of molten rock streak the darkness.

Sometimes they rise to a height of 500 to 600 feet, accompanied a by constant roar. It is a glorious sight, but the pity of it is the fact that this once rich and fertile farm land now is a stark waste with the skeletons of trees covered with black dust." "What did I bring home with me?" she mocked, as conversation turned to lighter vein. "Oh, lots of silver jewelry a turquoise bracelet and earring set for one sister and a pair of carved silver and copper earrings for the other." Knowing that her sisters would not believe that she swam in a gardenialaden pool she was fore-armed with snapshots of herself. Miss Aranibar also brought back interesting and colorful baskets, handy for prosaic trips to the market here maybe their Indian zod designs will bring her luck in getting butter and meat! MORTGAGE LOANS LOW INTEREST RATES REASONABLE TERMS OF PAYMENT Make application through Mortgage Department, Room 512, Marine Trust Building--Main and Seneca Streets. Payments May Be Made at Any Conveniently Located Branch Office MARINE TRUST CO.

MORTGAGE LOANS With Decreasing Interest Payments When you obtain a mortgage loan from Buffalo Savings Bank and live up to its convenient terms, the amount of your interest payment decreases each three months. That's not all! The loan itself decreases steadily--is gradually wiped out. Ask about this economical mortgage plan. We make quick decisions on applications for loans on dwellings and commercial properties in and near Buffalo. BUFFALO SAVINGS BANK Main, Huron, Genesee and Washington Streets Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp..

The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)


How many people read the Buffalo News? ›

The Buffalo News
FoundedOctober 11, 1880 as the Buffalo Evening News
Circulation69,842 Daily 89,694 Sunday (as of 2023)
OCLC number8882862
8 more rows

Where is my Buffalo newspaper? ›

The Buffalo News is located at the corner of Washington and Scott Streets in downtown Buffalo.

Where can I buy Buffalo newspaper? ›

Rack Locations
WNY Book Arts Center468 Washington StreetBuffalo
Urban Roots428 Rhode IslandBuffalo
107 more rows

What is the history of the Buffalo Evening News? ›

The News was founded in 1873 by Edward Hubert Butler, Sr. as a Sunday paper. In 1880, the News began publishing daily editions as well, and in 1914, became an inversion of its original existence by publishing Monday through Saturday only, with no publication on Sunday.

What is Buffalo State ranked in the US news? ›

SUNY Buffalo State University's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is Regional Universities North, #119.

Who owns The Buffalo News? ›

Owned by Lee Enterprises, The Buffalo News is part of a network of more than 75 daily newspapers and nearly 350 specialty publications.

What is the cost of the Buffalo News? ›

How much does the Buffalo News cost in 2023? The starting price for a digital subscription to the Buffalo News is $49 for a year.

When did Buffett buy Buffalo News? ›

The 150-year-old Buffalo News is used to operating with relative autonomy. Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway acquired the paper in 1977, and for decades, it was the only daily newspaper the company owned.

Is the Buffalo News app free? ›

Free to download. Subscribers enjoy unlimited access.

Why did buffalo New York decline? ›

Later, the opening of the Saint Lawrence Seaway combined with the effects of suburbanization, deindustrialization, and globalization led to the decline of the city's chief industries. The city lost over half of its population from 1950 to 2010.

Why did the buffalo decline? ›

The westward expansion of European settlers across the continent in the 19th century was the primary driver in the rapid decline of bison in North America.

What did buffalo NY invent? ›

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) — Chicken wings, pacemakers, the electric chair — all invented in Buffalo. That last one might surprise you the most. Here's another interesting fact: it was invented by a dentist.

What is the literacy rate in Buffalo NY? ›

​​​BUFFALO, N.Y. — ​Teachers are sounding the alarm about what they are calling a literary crisis. A 2019 state education statistic reveals only around 25% of Buffalo students are reading at their grade level. Leaders say the numbers drop even more for Black students.

How popular is Buffalo Bills? ›

While the Cowboys and Chiefs topped the Bills in monthly international searches (440,410 and 433,490 compared to 427,830), Buffalo is the NFL's most-searched-for franchise in a league-high 31 countries, thus landing it the higher score.

How many people work at Buffalo News? ›

How many employees does The Buffalo News have currently? The Buffalo News has approximately 458 employees as of June 2024. These team members are located across 3 continents, including North AmericaEuropeAfrica.

How many people read news daily? ›

An estimated 20.9 million print and digital newspapers were in daily circulation for both weekday and Sunday editions. This is down 8 percent and 10 percent respectively from 2021. According to Mansi Media, an estimated 124 million U.S. adults read newspaper media each week.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.