The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana (2024)

ACHIEVEMENT PROGRAM SET BY BUSY BEES The Tribune's Special Service BERRIEN SPRINGS The Burke Busy Bees 4-H Club held its annual Spring Achievement program Monday night in the Berrien Springs Elementary School gym. Sue Dougan and Mrs. Darwin Dougan are in charge of the rummage sale to be held in June. There will be a highway cleanup April-23. All members are to meet at the Kenneth Wetzel farm.

Enrollment for summer work was started. Judy Pagel played a piano solo. Mrs. Reed Stevens presented the Project Review. George Bennett and Robert Pagel played a' cornet duet.

Mrs. George Bennett moderated the girls' dress review. Guests were Miss Karen Craig and Maurice Roberts from the Co-operative Extension Office. Refreshments were served by Joyce Zech's committee. Mrs.

D. E. Drucker and Debra and Mrs. William Kettlehut and Tom were host and hostesses. LANDSCAPING TOPIC OF TALK FOR HOME CLUB The Tribune's Special Service ROLLING PRAIRIE Landscaping was the topic of the lesson given by Mrs.

Maurice Long when the Suburbanites Home Demonstration Club met in the home of Mrs. Eugene Seering, Rt. 1, Rolling Prairie. Mrs. Louella Worthey gave the health and safety lesson and the history of the song of the month was given by Mrs.

Gilbert Gilchrist. Attendance awards were won by Mrs. Gilchrist and Mrs. Lawerence Carpenter. Hostesses for the potluck luncheon were Mrs.

Seering, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Gilchrist and Mrs. Willis Elkins. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs.

William Woodle with the lesson on "Legal Matters" given by Vernon Lau of the Citizens Branch Bank of Rolling Prairie. FARM BUREAU WOMEN ELECT The Tribune's Special Service KEELER Mrs. Earl Morehouse of Keeler was elected chairman of District 1 Farm Bureau Women at the spring meeting in the West Oshtemo Grange Hall in Kalamazoo County. Mrs. Robert Burandt, Rt.

1, St. Joseph, was elected vice-chairman. Mrs. Leota Westfall of Lansing spoke on traffic safety. Mrs.

Harold Nickels of Kalamazoo showed color slides of the Isle Royale area. PLANS EUROPE TOUR The Tribune's Special Service ROCHESTER Charles E. Riddle, farmer of Richland is among eight members of the Indiana State Farm Bureau who are on a 15-day trip to Europe. The group will study the European Common Market in England. Germany, Belgium and Holland.

Riddle is a state director of the Indiana Farm Bureau. SLATE SEWING CLINIC The Tribune's Special Service LAGRANGE Ila Jane Williamson, county home agent, will hold a sewing clinic in the Wolcottville School from 7:30 until 9:30 p.m. Monday. Mrs. Clara Hjelm will give a demonstration of smocking.

SPIRO'S announces The Annual SALE of Their Women's Spring Collections Suits Dresses Toppers REDUCED Slacks Knits "The Upstairs" SPIRO'S 121 S. Michigan St. Tm Benanti-Hoy Ceremony Solemnized Tribune's Special Service LAGRANGE -A gown of white silk was chosen by Lyngail Benanti for her marSaturday to Terry Lee which took place in St. Mary's of the Angels Catholic Church, Shady Nook, Rt. '1, HudInd.

The bride is the daughter of and Mrs. Joseph C. Benanti Rt. 1, Hudson, and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. Mrs.

Albert Hoy, 6621 Fort Wayne. The double ring service was by the Rev. Patrick Gauof St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Lagrange. Herman 01- was the vocalist, and Mason Buckner, the organist.

The church was decorated baskets of white gladioli the pews were marked with satin bows. The bridal gown, of pure white was fashioned with a moldbodice and a scooped neckedged with imported Alencon lace. Iridessequins and pearls traced lace. The sleeves were threequarter length and the front flat of the gown was adorned matching lace appliques. full, gathered sides and of the skirt flowed into a cathedral train.

The bride's tiered veil of imported silk illuwas held to a pearl accented with crystal pendants. wore a pearl necklace, which was given to her by her father, and had been her great grandmother's. She carried a heart-shaped cascade bouquet of pastel pink carnations. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Mrs.

Robert Vaughn, 1511 Sycamore Fort Wayne, was matron of honor. Her gown was pastel orchid nylon organza over taffeta, with a floor-length, hooped skirt and a ruffled busHer headpiece was a boufveil, held to a circle of white flowers. She carried colonial bouquet of white carnations. Glenna Conley of Turkey Lake, and Arleen Olson, Rt. 1, Wolcottville, were bridesmaids.

Their gowns were floor length pastel orchid nylon organza over taffeta. Their bouffant veils were held to circles of white' flowers. They carried colonial bouquets of white carnations long, white streamers. Their gowns were hoop-skirted. Joseph C.

Benanti III, of Auburn, brother of the bride, served as best man. Norman Griffen, St. Joe, and KenBittle, Huntington, seated the guests. William Suband Donald Howe were boys. A reception was held in the church parlors after the wedding, for 150 guests.

A complete dinner was served. The couple left for a 10-day to Canada and New York City. They will several days at the World's Fair. For traveling the bride chose a white linen three-piece suit. The couple will reside at 2121 Broadway, Fort Wayne.

Mrs. Hoy is a graduate of the Salem High School and has been active 4-H Clubs. Mr. Hoy is a graduate North Side High School, Fort Wayne, and is employed in the sales department of PattersonFletcher, Fort Wayne. Indiana-Michigan SOCIETY Johnson-Rude: The Tribune's Special Service ROCHESTER Announcement is made of the marriage Miss Lavada Johnson and Jimmy Dean Rude, which took place April 5 in the First Church.

Rev. Graham Marsh, pastor, officiated at the double-ring service in the presence of immediate families and friends. Spring flowers and lighted pers were used for decoration. Bridal music was provided Mrs. William Gordon, organist.

Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. George A. Johnson, W. 13th and Mrs.

Sylvan Rude, 1000 Madison St. and late Mr. Rude. The couple's attendants were Mr. and Mrs.

Hugh Silberman. A three -piece pink and white was worn by Mrs. Silberman. Her flowers were pink and white carnations. Given in marriage by her ther, the bride wore a white with matching hat.

She carried white Bible topped with pink white carnations. A reception was held in home of and the Mrs. bride's Rude parents. lates of the Rochester High The bridegroom attendthe South Bend College Commerce and was graduated from the International Business College, Fort Wayne. They living on Rt.

3, Warsaw. Johnson-Brown The Tribune's Special Service BENTON HARBOR A highlight of the candelight party hosted Tuesday by Mrs. Mary Larson at her home was the surprise announcement of the engagement of Mrs. Mary E. Johnson and William A.

Brown, both of Benton Harbor. The wedding is set for 8 p.m. May 1 at the Methodist Peace Temple, Pipestone Benton Harbor. Mrs. Johnson is an employee of the V.

M. Corp. here. Her fiance is an electrician with Auto Specialties here. The dinner party had been arranged in observance of the birthday anniversary of Brown.

It also was the birthday of the hostess. LIONS SLATE LADIES' NIGHT The Tribune's Special Service WAKARUSA The Lions Club ladies night program was changed from April 20 to next Monday evening. The dinner will be served at 7 p.m. in 19's Modern Restaurant here. Max Gwin of Nappanee, commercial artist, will give a talk on cartooning, illustrating his speech with sketches.

PEP BAND TO PLAY The Tribune's Special Service LAWRENCE The Grand Ledge Seventh-day Adventist Academy pep band and tumbling team will perform in the Hartford High School gym at 8 p.m. Saturay. FURS DEMAND FUR RIGHTS! Every nice. fur fashion hos RIGHT to be pampered and gently cored for in Franckowiak's safe, cold, cold storage vaults at 314 N. Michigan, right on the premises! It helps beautifully.

KEEP OUR SHOP BUSY Full Length, Custom MINK COATS Pick your skins, pick your lining! Save a bundle! $1945 CLEANING AND REPAIRING PRETTY FUR FASHIONS! That's our job this time of the yeor and you can have your nice mink stole completely relined, freshened up end mode se attractiva for special price $49.50 STORE HOURS Monday 12 Noon to 8:30 P.M. Tues, thru Sat. 9:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Other Nights by Appointment PARK FREE ALWAYS! franckowiaks 314 N.

MICHIGAN 233-7151 PARENT MUSIC CLUB ELECTS NEW OFFICERS The Tribune's Special Service ROLLING PRAIRIE George Meyers was elected president the Rolling Prairie Music Parents Club at a meeting in the music room of the Rolling Prairie High School. Others elected were Mrs. Ura Ziegner, vicee-president: Mrs. Paul Buss, secretary, and Jack Hofer, treasurer. Donald Williams announced the Festival of Music of LaPorte County will be held May 1.

On May 6 there will be a Spring Concert of the Rolling Prairie band with a reception in the home economics room in honor of the Senior class. Mrs. Robert Lambert will be the chairman. David Schafer will be the director for the summer band and the band will perform in the July 4 parade in LaPorte, at the Beatty Memorial Hospital and will have an ice cream social to finance summer activities. CHURCH PLANS 116TH SESSION IN KALAMAZOO The Tribune's Special Service LAWRENCE Members of the Lawrence Congregational will attend -the 116th annual meeting of the Kalamazoo Assn.

of the United Church of Christ at St. Peter's United Church of Christ in St. Joseph Sunday. Registration will begin at 2:30 p.m., and dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Mrs.

Wilbur Perkins, Mrs. Riley Utter and Mrs. James Sheldrake will be in charge the Congregational Church mother land daughter dinner i in Fellowship Hall May 6. A potluck dinner will be served. BOOK SALE SLATED The Tribune's Special Service NILES The Niles Friends of the Library will hold a book sale from 10 a.m.

until 3 p.m. Saturday at the Niles Public Library. BRIDE ELECT GIVEN SHOWER The Tribune's Special Service BRISTOL Miss Dorothy, Schmeling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schmeling, Rt.

3. Bristol, was the guest of honor Thursday night at the third in a series of bridal showers. She is to be married to Wayne W. Reber of Elkhart May 2 in the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church in Washington Twp. Hostesses, were Mrs.

Raymond (Miklich and Mrs. Joseph Koscielny in the home of Mrs. Miklich. Twenty guests were present. Among them were Mrs.

Emil Schmeling, mother of the guest of honor, and Mrs. Ernest Reber, mother of the prospectlive bridegroom. WMS BANQUET IS SCHEDULED The Tribune's Special Service WAKARUSA The Women's Missionary Society of the Oak Grove United Missionary Church plans a mother and daughter banquet May 5 in the Wyatt Home Demonstration Clubhouse. Reservations must be made by April 29. Helmsmen Quartet of Bethel College will sing in the Oak Grove Church May 3.

Mrs. Paul Mast will speak that evening at the WMS spring rally. SUNSHINE UNIT BREAKFAST SET The Tribune's Special Service NEW PARIS Members of the Sunshine Society plan their annual breakfast for 8 a.m. Sunday in the New Paris High School cafeteria. Serving on the arrangements committee are Patty Unbaugh, Pamela Method, Betty Butler, Jill Tarman, Debbie Stringfellow, Shirley Rock, Darlene Miller, Patty Thorpe, Jane Snider and Sharon Reed.

MRS. HANDY AT HOME The Tribune's Special Service EAU CLAIRE Mrs. Jean Handy, wife of State Rep. Gail R. Handy, is at her Main St.

home here recuperating from surgery. Sale of BOYS and GIRLS SPRING COATS and HATS REDUCED TO Maryanettie Shop 2212 MIAMI ST. PH. 289-7440 DAILY 9 to 6 a The South Bend Tribune, Friday, April 24, 1964 MISS HEWITT IS HONORED AT SHOWER The Tribone's Special Service EAU CLAIRE Miss Marlorie Kay Hewitt was feted with a miscellaneous bridal shower this week at the home of Mrs. Roy Brawley, Niles.

Mrs. Brawley and her co-hostess, Mrs. Hickerson Berrien Springs, are cousins of Miss Hewitt's fiance. Prizes were presented to Mrs. Harry Stockman and Mrs.

Chris Britton of Berrien Springs, Mrs. Ronald Pease and Mrs. Lizzie Brawley of Niles, Mrs. Russell Hewitt, mother of the honoree, and Miss Hewitt. The party's door prize went to Mrs.

Ernestine Duke of Niles. Miss Hewitt will become the of Lyle Kenneth Jesswein of Buchanan in June. HARTMAN TO SPEAK The Tribune's Special Service ROCHESTER The Fulton County Council of Churches will hold its annual spring banquet in the Methodist Church at Richland Center Wednesday. Dr. Grover Hartman of the Indiana Council of Churches will speak and there will be an election of officers.

Reservations should be made by next Tuesday with Mrs. Herman Weier, Rt. 3, Rochester. Recipes for Your Scrapbook BY MRS. HARVEY F.

ROSTISER. This recipe makes a fine accompaniment for meat or could be served as a dessert. It has an unusual flavor. FRUIT CASSEROLE One no. 303 can peach halves One no.

2 can sliced pineapple One no. 303 can pear halves Five maraschino cherries with stems One-third cup butter Three-fourths cup light brown sugar, packed Four teaspoons curry powder. Start heating oven to 325. Meanwhile, drain fruits, dry well on paper towel. Arrange in casserole.

Melt butter; add brown sugar and curry; spoon over fruit. Bake 1 hour uncovered. This may be done the day before and refrigerated. Before serving, reheat casserole and serve warm with ham or any meat. HOSTESS AT COFFEE The Tribune's Special Service CULVER Mrs.

George Speyer entertained at a coffee party in her home for Mrs. Harry Speyer, Mrs. M. R. Robinson, Mrs.

O. T. Smith, and Mrs. William Easterday. Our 38th Anniversary Bulova Watches Celebrating With King Size Values BULOVA Exquisite diamond companion $97.50 Own a watch of distinction for it's reliable time keeping valves.

DATE KINGLEADING LADY Top level in Perfect for every performance and occasion. 21 style. Features a jewel movement; calender window shock-resistant, 100. 17 jewels, expansion shock-resistant. bracelet.

In yellow or white. $49.95 $49.95 $149.00 Futuristic fashioned solitaire. Luxuriously jeweled with radiant fine diamond. FAY'S Shop Convenient at FAY'S Way The Quality Jewelers Suitable Weekly or 111 S. Michigan Monthly Terms.

Tomorrow Last Day of Our fienhaita 71st Anniversary Sale FINE FURNITURE Last Chance For AND CARPETS Since 1893 MINIMUM DISCOUNTS on some of the country's best known and most respected lines of FURNITURE AND CARPET All New Arrivals received since the start of this sale are now included at anniversary discounts. Be sure to see them. -Last chance for savings on CARPET BY FURNITURE BY (ny Dupe: Mohawk Drexel Bigelow Dunbar Wunda Weve Simmons This is NOT a sale of special and other lines for Flexsteel which we have Kroehler Purchases! become known and all of our other EVERY ITEM OFFERED IS nationally known FROM REGULAR STOCK. lines the type of furniture and carpet that has given us success over these many years. OPEN Be sure to drive down tomorrow.

SATURDAYS 40 SQUARE 'TIL 9 P.M. YARDS FREE easy Follow route: this in Sale. register No during purchase our S. SEND MISH. Wakarusa Anniversary need not be present April FINE FURNITURE Drawing Winner Saturday, will IRELANO AND CARPETS to 8:30 be post25, and the name PIERCE ED WAKARUSA Since 1893 in our store.

notified From Elkhart, drive south LIENHARTS on Ind. 19 to Pierce Road, ed and then west one mile. 29 The pure riage Hoy, son, Mr. and lea read chat son with and white silk, ed line, cent the panel with The back full sion She tle. fant with neth oski tar trip in MRS.

TERRY LEE HOY C. OF C. LISTS TOTAL OF 282 MEMBERSHIPS The Tribune's Special Service PLYMOUTH Donald K. Travis, chairman of the Plymouth Chamber Commerce membership drive, announced Thursday that so far 282 memberships in the Chamber had been sold. Travis said a list of the members would be sent to the teams taking part in the drive, and that team members would be free contact anyone whose name, did not appear on the list.

Travis said the drive would end next Wednesday. A team headed by Keith Heisler leads in the drive with 36 memberships. The other team captains and the number of membership secured by their teams are Richard Salomon, 32; Omer Bixel, 31; Larry Powell, Eugene Chipman, and Clayton Robison, all 30; Luther Klingerman and Jerry Greenlee, 25; Frank Wagner, 24, and Joseph O'Brien, 19. BRIDE-TO-BE IS HONORED The Tribune's Special Service GALIEN A miscellaneous bridal shower was held recently in the Galien Methodist Youth building honoring Miss Georgina Thompson, who will become the bride of Darl Karns of Buchanan in June. The affair was given by Miss Connie Swem, Miss Kuntz, Miss Yolonna Hanover, Miss Joan Roundy, Miss Nancy Sheeley and Miss Carol Nekvasil.

Contest prizes were won by Miss Nancy Sheeley, Miss Carol Nekvasil and Miss Loretta Reitz. SLATE SCHOOL REGISTRATION The Tribune's Special Service LAWRENCE Pre-school registration for all children entering Lawrence Elementary School will be held May 15 at the school. Parents are requested to bring the child's birth certificate and record of immunizations. A child must be 5 years old on or before Dec. 1, 1964, to register for the 1964-65 school year.

HANDY IS NAMED The Tribune's Special Service SODUS Mrs. Russell Handy of Lett Rd. has been named to the calling committee of the Hammond Organ Society of Benton Harbor in its recent meeting..

The South Bend Tribune from South Bend, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

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Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.